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Telephone Answering Services

If you’re not using a professional telephone answering service, you risk losing the 7 out of 10 callers who immediately hang up upon hearing a recorded message.
That’s an incredible amount of opportunities possibly lost forever. Yet, the simplest solution is also a very cost-effective one.

Don’t Gamble when Someone calls You

As one of the most important tools in your business, your telephone needs to be answered professionally as you only get one chance to make a first impression. Try asking yourself a simple question; would you leave a message on an answering machine when contacting a company for the first time during office hours? Or would you move on to another company? Is it really worth the gamble?


Giving your Customers what they Expect

For new callers, the first conversation will be the most important one. Without gaining trust, credibility and assurance, you run the risk of losing business to companies who take their call answering responsibilities far more seriously. Playing Russian roulette with potential customers on first contact invites disaster, so you need to get it right first time and give them what they expect.


Good news - There’s a Cost-effective Solution!

answermyphone.biz is a multi-award winning telephone answering and call management service company based in Cardiff guaranteeing that all calls are answered in the UK. We have been the preferred choice of 1000’s of small and medium-sized companies around the UK since 2005 and we provide industry-leading call minding services Monday-Friday 8.30am-6pm. Our services are a fraction of the cost of employing a full-time receptionist and without the fuss of dealing with wages, PAYE, tax, holidays and sickness.

What Makes answermyphone.biz Different?

Our call handlers are not just there to answer your calls. They are a highly trained and motivated team with huge experience in all business and office protocols providing seamless integration with your business. By going the extra mile, they effectively become part of your team. Pre-written call scripts are used as an outline to guide conversations, but with all their experience; the ability to think on their feet and be flexible in their approach are just two of the reasons why see answermyphone.biz as different from other companies.


How does call Answering Work?

Our sophisticated tele-software system immediately triggers your company details to show on screen the moment we receive a call from someone who has either:

• Called a number we have provided for you

• Called a number you normally use and automatically diverted to us

• Called your number which has rung 5 times and then automatically diverted to us

This technology allows us to confidently answer the call in your company name as if we were sitting in your office. The caller will never know the difference. Using their vast experience, our operators will decide whether the call merits contacting you to patch the call through or take a message, and leave it to you to decide what to do next. Either way, you will get an emailed confirmation of the call and even a text message in addition if you deem it necessary.


The Hours we Cover

To replicate the hours of most businesses and offices; we cover in person, office hours of 8.30am – 6.00pm Mon – Fri. But don’t worry, a fully personalised answerphone message will be triggered out of hours and the customer message recorded and emailed to you in real-time in case it’s urgent. If a call is answered at a strange time, it’s usually a sign that a call service company is involved so we try to stay as close to the hours covered by most businesses.


Extra Call Management Services

To say we take calls on our customer’s behalf goes nowhere near to explaining how important our services have become to our customer’s daily routine. They rely on us to cover much more than just phone calls which comes more under the umbrella of Call Handling Management & Virtual PA Services. Our add-on services include following up leads, appointment bookings and relationship management to name but a few.

Call us now to start your FREE 2 Week Trial

If you’re still not convinced that it’s the way to go for your business, then take advantage of our FREE 2 Week Trial. There’s no strings attached and no hard sales talk. We just leave you to judge the benefits over the two-week period and if you want to continue on a no-contract, monthly roll-on basis – then great! If you’re looking for confirmation of how worthwhile this offer is – we still provide cover for customers who took up the offer when we founded the company back in 2005!


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